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Old 2nd August 2017, 02:00 AM   #16
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 1,250

I just read your highlighted section"New U.K. Legislation FAQ," and marveled at how well thought out it was, especially the following provisions:
A). Only curved swords over 50cm are banned, as shorter ones apparently don't harm individuals.
B).Straight swords of any length are deemed harmless
C).Curved swords for religious purposes can be owned; I'm sure ISIS is pleased.
D).Curved swords over 50cm can be imported from Japan and China if they are forged in the traditional manner........not many of those made in China, right?
E)An individual in the U.K. can have a curved sword if he makes it in a traditional manner; does a grinder and a file taken to a piece of band iron count?
Just what were these regulations trying to prevent?

Last edited by drac2k; 2nd August 2017 at 02:32 PM.
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