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Old 2nd August 2017, 01:08 AM   #15
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Here is an Ebay guide, not sure what may have changed since it was written but English Ebay sellers seem to have no trouble shipping outside of England.

New UK Sword Legislation - FAQ
19 August 2008
As of the 6th April 2008 the Government will be introducing an amendment to the Criminal Justice Act 1988 which will see the addition of some Swords to the Offensive Weapons Order list. This is a list of items prohibited for sale, import, trade of transfer within the UK.

Guide now updated to include details of the 2nd amendment to the CJA 1988 which came into force on the 1st August 2008.

There is much confusion regarding this new legislation so below is a quick reference FAQ detailing how this new legislation affects you.


Q: Are all swords now illegal?

A: No. the new legislation only covers some swords with a curved blade over 50cm.

Q: Is it just Samurai Swords that are now banned?

A: No. ANY sword with a curved blade over 50cm is now banned from sale, import, trade or transfer. This includes Persian Talwars, Military Cavalry swords, some Fantasy swords and many other types of sword unless specifically exempted - see below.

Q: Do I have to surrender my Samurai Sword I have at home?

A: No. Ownership of all swords is perfectly legal so you can keep any sword you have already in your possession. You cannot sell it or give it away.

Q: Are all Samurai Swords now banned?

A: Under UK legislation, no. The law only affects some swords over 50cm so although Katana swords are now banned (unless covered by the list of exemptions), most Wakizashi and Tanto swords have blades under 50cm so are unaffected by this legislation

Q: Are straight bladed swords affected?

A: No. The new legislation only covers curved bladed swords - straight bladed swords are totally unaffected by this legislation. The Home Office have indicated that there may be an extension of the legislation to cover all swords by October 2008 but as yet this is undecided.

Q: How is the blade length measured?

A: The legislation covers all swords over 50cm. The measurement is to be taken from the tip of the blade to the top of the handle (where the blade meets the handle) in a straight line NOT following the curve of the blade.

Q; Are there any exemptions?

A: Yes. There are several exemptions to the sword ban - These exemptions are:

•Members of historical re-enactment groups which hold a Public Liability Certificate.

•Members of a Martial Arts club which hold a Public Liability Certificate.

•Use for authorized Theatrical / film use.

•All Swords over 100 years old.

•Samurai Swords made before 1954.

•Samurai Swords made in Japan at any time using the traditional forging technique
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