Originally Posted by fernando
This article i have by Leandro Saudan Tristão is largely supported by Quesada Sainz works. I have not read of any evidence other than that of his Greek origin theory. He is so keen in illustrating Greeks handling Kopides and mentioning their introduction in the Iberian Peninsula (V AC), brought by mercenaries who have participated in the Sicilian wars.
Quesada mention another origin, based on a Italian-Mediterranean model, anthough he analyses the Greek hypothesis. Please see Fernando Quesada Sanz,
Arma y Símbolo: La Falcata Ibérica, Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, España, 1992. I have only a photocopy that a friend from Spain sent me. You can also download this two pdf's by Quesada Sanz:
En Torno al Orígen y Procedencia de la Falcata Ibérica
Máchaira, Kopis, Falcata
Originally Posted by fernando
Oh ...did i say that ? 
No, you didn't. The author you quoted did, or at least, implied it.
Originally Posted by fernando
If i agree with that, i will be accused of nationalism  .
Without any reason. It is well known that the mayor sea explorations of the Spaniards were actually carried by Genoese and Portuguese capitains, re: Colón and Fernão de Magalhães. And Magalhães made the first trip around the whole world, despite the mutinous Spaniards, who were afraid. Just as with Colón. To be more precise Elcano had to finish the exploration, since Magalhães died, but the voyage was his.
Originally Posted by fernando
So you don't have the book; apart from all fantasy contained in the tales and doubts on weapon's attributions, it is an excelent work.
That is correct, I don't have it. During my Internet black-out I lost the opportunity to download several books...as Oswaldo Lamartine's.
Originally Posted by fernando
I don't recall which swords Antonio had in his page; maybe some are similar (not the same) but, as far as remember, there was no detail on the pictures.
Discoveries Swords
And thank you very much for your link. A succulent text.