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Old 1st August 2017, 07:27 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
Some people when asked "may I ask what you are sending for security purposes" tell the literal truth. They do not see the difference between a sword weapon or old farm cutting tool, or just farm tool. It has just gone all crazy here in the UK these days. Perhaps I am just getting too long in the tooth.
just got this 'vintage cabbage axe knife' (9 3/8" blade) in the regular mail from elsewhere in the UK: no problem. sharp little tyke. if he'd called it a dagger i probably wouldn't have been able to buy it. scary isn't it? ...if you are a sheeple. had about 3 in. of bubble wrap all around it.

p.s. i have no idea what i'll use it for, it just looked cool and was dirt cheap.
sauerkraut (kiszona kapusta) anyone?
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