Originally Posted by Gonzalo G
I think we are disgressing too much from the subject, which is the possible relation among the jineta-nimcha-kattara, which bring us to the evolution of their hilts. The Portuguese and Spanish swords from the 15th Century and their parallelism, of course, are a related matter to the jineta.
This is a Forum. Consider the size of the problem with this swords movement and morphology across the globe at a time of great upheaval and exploration... It must have affected 100 countries and continued to do so for generations. I focus on some unanswered sectors like Kastane and the idiosyncrasies of Nimcha. They and many other swords are possibly related. Others in the discussion have no problem dealing with this... it is often what transpires ... a multi faceted approach. Personally I feel the position is good as the answers largely monitored by a senior staff member of considerable experience in this field is going well and he has no problem dealing with two directions simultaneously.
The complexity is fascinating in this regard but the thread title may throw some... There is no need to consider Kattarra as it is not in the mix... however, that is only a suggestion lest you think I am leading the thread ! It will go where it goes... and I see no reason to change my own track... but you can do what you like...I learn a lot from the added focus upon Spanish and Portuguese links and it can be seen I have placed serious input from the Italian direction and naturally the Indian Ocean which is only half an hour away!
I believe more in free association of ideas rather than getting hung up on strict references because more astute contributors than you or I will drive a bus through that lot

as you may have already discovered.