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Old 30th July 2017, 10:45 AM   #24
Join Date: Jun 2009
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[QUOTE=A. G. Maisey]

Johan, we can see that in the keris as it is now, and during the period following the rule of Sultan Agung, there are many variations in the way in which the greneng is expressed, so yes, when I say "other elements" I mean anything and everything that can be found in a greneng that is other than just the ron dha.


What are the "other elements" found in a Greneng?

Does a feature some call Ri Pandan (I mean here the first "hook" from above, when Greneng is extern) belong to the "other elements"?

Is the Greneng variation as found on Keris with Dhapur Megantoro, and also other Keris, a later (post Sultan Agung) development in your oppinion?

[QUOTE=A. G. Maisey]

(...) as I believe the inclusion of the ron dha preceding the kembang kacang was a later development.


Alan, what leads to think you so?

How much later?

Last edited by Gustav; 30th July 2017 at 12:24 PM. Reason: to clarify the questions
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