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Old 30th July 2017, 02:50 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by maxwellnorth
I have seen photos online from the 19th century depicting Maharajas and members of their courts, specifically bodyguards I believe, wearing examples of char aina and other armours. Does anyone know if any of these photographs have been reproduced in any books or publications?
Photos of any Indian armor being worn are very rare, we are lucky that people did take photographs and that some survived. Illustrations showing armor being worn in India are quite rare as well, but the amount of surviving examples of Indian armor shows that it was quite common. Examples of armor from near by cultures such as Persian and the Ottoman empire are much harder to find.

Kishan Singhji, Rawat of Bijolia c1870s, wearing full protective armour, gold damascened 4-piece char aina cuirass body armour, secured with leather straps, ensuite damascened dastana arm guards with mail gauntlets, padded shoulder protective epaulettes, kula khud helmet with camail and sliding nasal, surmounted by horse hair spray and peacock feather finial, and jewelled necklaces with pendants and he carries the traditional Rajput tulwar sword.
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