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Old 29th July 2017, 12:18 AM   #18
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Johan, any remarks I may make in respect of ron dha, greneng and keris iconography in general are to be understood only within the context of the Pre-Islamic Javanese keris and/or the Balinese keris.

In its most pure form the greneng consists of only the ron dha,sometimes repeated two or three times, this expression of form can sometimes be seen in Balinese keris, and in very old Javanese keris. The other couple of elements sometimes found in later Javanese greneng seem to have been included in the greneng after the keris had become an Islamic icon and was subjected to artistic expression. The ron dha is sometimes also seen as an addition to the kembang kacang or the gandhik.

Thus, reading across the sorsoran gives:-

"Aum, Ganesha, Siwa, Aum"

Perhaps a re-reading of the relevant parts of "Interpretation---" may answer your questions in respect of religious intent.

Some people in Jawa today refer to the keris as a "prayer in steel".
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