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Old 23rd July 2017, 06:59 AM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Virginia
Posts: 16

I love favorite country in Europe. I picked up an extremely fine--and verg rare---early 18th century Almarada Dagger, decommisioned from the Albacete museum on my last trip. I can never seem to bring back enough Spanish wine either or dried meats either.

I have one Spanish friend from Madrid who will mail me knives/daggers but he is in the Philippines for the next 90 days. He wraps them in tinfoil and writes " objeto artesanal decorativo " on the customs form. Never had a single probkem with correos.

Anyways.....I'd like to find a spanish dealer who could help me as I hate to have to make a trip over there everg time I want to purcgase a knife.
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