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Old 18th July 2017, 07:34 PM   #1
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Default Origine of 2 Bugis kriss with nice carved hilt.


Here is a very recent find: 2 Keris Bugis with very pretty carved hilt.

One of the Keris has a straight blade (but a bit thinner than the other blade I have of this type). The wood of the scabbard seems of good quality but the buntut is missing and has been replaced by an iron cage.

The second Keris, with a pretty wavy blade with a snake engraved on it. The engraving seems to have been made at the same time as the blade.
The scabbard is made in lesser quality wood but it was carved of floral pattern then lacquered.

I wanted to know if the motifs on the handle and decoration of the second Keris could allow to give a precise origin?
For me it is very difficult to recognize the different provenances of the bugis keris.
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