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Old 17th July 2017, 04:09 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Nathaniel
And image that sinking feeling when the postal worker brought this out to the counter for me to sign for!!!
Nathaniel, thanks for posting your pictures, I know exactly how you feel, even though I will get the money I paid returned it hurts to see this happen to any antique. The damage to your naginata looks just like what happened to my shamshir.

As I mentioned earlier, I just shipped a naginata much like yours in order to get some missing fittings replaced (habaki and tsuba), Tim Pepin the owner of just messaged me that it arrived safely but after what happened to the shamshir I kept thinking about how I could have done a better job of packing, I did not add any wood strips etc which would have greatly increased the chance of avoiding any damage to the blade or shaft, next time I will do that just as added protection.

Below is a picture that Artzi of Oriental Arms just sent me showing how he has reinforced for shipping the Chinese bow I just purchased. A great example that I intend to copy in the future.
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