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Old 15th July 2017, 08:00 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

OH NO !!!! Estcrh, I am so sorry this happened. That is a beautiful sword!!!
It seems like this always happens to the valuable items. I would be flaming angry. @#$%^&* As mentioned above, it looks like someone either lowered the forks from a forklift unto it, or backed over it.
Historically, I've had good success with USPS. I had only one incident with a Balkan made pistol with a silver stock. It arrived with the grip area severly bent and a small crack in the bend area. But the damage was primarily due to the worst boxing and packing I've ever seen. Especially for an item like this. And this from a gun dealer, who should know better. I decided to keep the pistol - but - with 70% of what I paid for it refunded to me. Fortunately, between my old gunsmith and his Fater in Law, who was a genuine old time Silversmith, it was repaired masterfully. Cannot detect the repair.
Generally, double-wall boxes with lots of bubble wrap will work. But I use everything from PVC pipe to pine wood crates, depending on what I'm shipping.
Again, so sorry this happened to you. I hope you at least get a full reimbersement.

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