Originally Posted by kronckew
 they generally use an internal collet that when you push on the top end grabs the lead and pushes it a bit out the end, then lets go as you stop pushing, and retreats back ready for the next push, thus 'propelling' the lead 'mechanically' (some use a related screw mechanism ...
None of these have the collet system. Number #3, #6 and #7 function by rotation of the top. Number #1, #2 and #4 have exterior side buttons to slide out (and in) the internal core. Number #2, the pure gold hallmarked French example, slides out both a pencil and a pen. Number #5 is fix, but has an outer screwable part that tightens an interior collet that holds the crayon; it's missing a screwing protection.
Some time ago i was dumb enough to offer as a gift a silver one that slided a pen, a pencil and an erasor blade.
Originally Posted by kronckew
...us americans chose the latter term, the brits the former. one of the joys of english anomalies - gasoline/petrol, car boot/trunk, car windscreen/windshield, lift.elevator, tube/subway, and so on infinitum. not even counting guest words adopted from other languages...
This is the kind of nuances that distinguish one country from another. Were you in Britain when they used to tag streets and parks toilets as "public conveniences" ?; it took me a while to realize what these were, when i wandered around in London, back in 1967.
Originally Posted by kronckew
... they originally used a lead (chemical symbol Pb - levar?) wire, that's why in english we call the central graphite that does the writing the 'pencil lead'...
levar ? Pb comes from the latin 'plumbum'. Hence the 'plumber' profession.
Originally Posted by kronckew
...romans used lead for plumbing pipes, the exposure level from it in alkaline water is low, but cumulative, they think rome declined in part from the side effects which includes reduced intelligence, reduced fertility, mental issues, strength, etc.
Oh my; i will give a pint of bitter saturated with lead to each of those guys in the other football team
