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Old 11th July 2017, 01:24 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Rick
That's a crime; and now someone has to go through the insurance process.

Not a single FRAGILE sticker?
That's also a crime.
Yea not very well packaged but this particular dealer does sell a lot of swords and probably has not ran into this type of problem before, lulled into a sense of security. The funny this is that right before I got home and found this I had shipped a very long naginata in full koshirae for some repair work and even though I packed it quite good seeing this damaged sword made me wish I did a better job.

This is the first damaged item I have received in many years, I posted this as a warning for anyone who may be shipping or receiving a sword, gun etc that maybe should be over protected just in case. I will be sending this image to people I deal with. Plastic gun cases with foam lining are not expensive and would probably have prevented this from happening......what really makes me mad is seeing a beautiful sword like this one destroyed, what a waste.
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