Thread: Odd folder
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Old 4th July 2017, 04:31 AM   #11
Chris Evans
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 685


You have a beauty with that knife! Its overall shape screams Spanish but the detail work does not. Could be the work of an expatriate Spanish cutler who, like many, went to France and Italy due to the harassment by authorities of those who pursued this trade.

As an aside, small stubby Spanish navajas of this shape nowadays are known as `navaja capadora'

As pointed out by Ibrahiim, the detail work has a strong resemblance to those Italian specimens he posted. As well, the lock is atypical for Spain.

It could have been made possibly in Italy, France, or elsewhere, but in the Spanish style. I have a 20th century navaja that looks very Spanish, but is more ornate and unusually well made and which was manufactured in France.

I had a quick look in Forton's book to see if I could identify the maker's logo/brand but no luck. Will have another look in my others books later on in the day.

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