Thread: Home Defense?
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Old 10th March 2006, 03:14 AM   #28
Jim McDougall
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Geez this thread is bizarre!! you guys are scarin' me!!!! feel like its an edged weapons episode of C.S.I!!!

I'm pretty sure any poor unfortunate who paid a clandestine appearance to any of you guys would likely die of fright ..a guy standing there in his BVD's wielding some horrific bladed weapon in the shadows...yikes!

Really though, as I once noted during discussions concerning the prospective outlawing of edged weapons recently going on in Australia......any collector of edged weapons would never use one of his cherished pieces in an act of violence. Who would want one of thier weapons to end up in a police evidence lockup? and thereafter who knows what would become of it.

I think in the darkness the distinct and resounding mechanical cocking sound of a 12 guage is compellingly discouraging to the uninvited!!! A little Texas perspective Sorry Andrew, just reinforcing my case against using historical edged weapons accordingly
All the best,
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