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Old 4th July 2017, 09:01 PM   #1
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Default wotsit (pioneer sword?)?

picked this beasty up today from an auction over the weekend, appears to be a 'pioneer' sword, what looks like a british arrow mark on the blade. blade looks similar to that on an 1830 issue baker/pioneer sword, but with an unusual large tho well made wood grip with a brass guard, end pommel, and a cross checkered wood grip.

blade is 55 cm. long, 4.5 cm. wide at the guard, 6 mm. thick & distal tapered. the 20cm. 'yelman' is razor sharp, as is the blade almost to the guard. guard is 1.2cm. thick brass, carved to match the grip. pommel cap is held by 4 small brass screws with crossed heads. grip is 16cm. from guard to end of pommel. it's 4.2cm dia. at the guard, getting larger near the pommel. the 'saw' part is VERY sharp and the teeth are 'set' properly like a real hand saw, not just notches. blade is pitted, but has been polished and no active rust present. weight sans scabbard is 820gm. no other mark than the one shown.

scabbard is wood, covered in what looks like vellum, or thin calfskin, light color, a bit grimey. very well done. brass chape is well made as well. small holes are on the spine near the mouth and further down where suspension ring mounts would once have been.

so, wotsit? i initially thought it was a hunting sword variant of some sort, when i bid on it online, but this is more beefy than most. smaller photos were from dealer's online catalogue.

thanks in advance for any help or light shed on this item.
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