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Old 28th June 2017, 07:51 PM   #15
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In my oppinion there is no question about its authenticity as an Ottoman Bichaq. I don't see anything to raise suspicion.

I have myself one with a single piece silver scabbard as it was quite common.

Now, where exactly was it made is another issue. My bet is for Bosnia but it can also be Greece or even Turkey, as both smiths and crafts travelled freely within the Otooman empire.

I agree with Battara that it was probably made by a Muslim smith, and at some point the Turkish/Arab/Farsi cartouche was deliberately removed by a Christian Zelot owner.

PS: Regarding Kubur's question about the flowers... well, that's precisely why I supect it was made in Bosnia... or somewhere in the Balkans as opposed to continental Turkey where I would expect diferent type of decorations.

PPS: I might be obsessed but I would check the blade for wootz.
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