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Old 17th June 2017, 11:06 PM   #9
Vikingsword Staff
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Originally Posted by Drabant1701
Thank you all for your replys! I am glad to hear that this might be a keris without ganja, and that it has some age to it. This is my first keris and I have spent some time the last two says studying the subject. What strikes me is how vast this subject is, which makes the expertise on this forum all the more impressive .

If I were to add one or two books on the subject to my library, what would you recommend?
I know I wasn't asked, but for one I'd recommend The World of The Javanese Keris by Garret and Bronwyn Solyum.
This is a soft cover book, out of print.
I have two copies...

I would also recommend a visit to Alan Maisey's very informative site.
There is lots of information there to absorb.
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