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Old 17th June 2017, 09:15 PM   #7
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Sweden
Posts: 181

Thank you all for your replys! I am glad to hear that this might be a keris without ganja, and that it has some age to it. This is my first keris and I have spent some time the last two says studying the subject. What strikes me is how vast this subject is, which makes the expertise on this forum all the more impressive .

If I were to add one or two books on the subject to my library, what would you recommend?

Originally Posted by Seerp Visser
Welcome Drabant1701.

I hope you will enjoy this forum about the keris and will find out that the keris is NOT a piece of primitive art.
It seems that you were lucky to buy a fine piece of craftsmanship, that even in these times, is regarded as top.
The appreciation of this keris as piece of art is personal, but the keris is made by what the French call an Artisan for sure.
Congratulations with your acquisition.
Thank you Seerp Visser. I see now that I wrote in a way that could be read as me thinking that the keris is primitive art. I was not refering to the keris itself but to this specific hilt, and a better term would perhaps be folk art. This in comparance to other keris hilts that I have seen that are masterpieces of intricate carving.
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