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Old 12th June 2017, 09:35 PM   #12
S.Al-Anizi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by francantolin

I found two wonderful swords with the ''same'' shape in two of the nine swords of the Prophet Muhammad
( now in the Topkapi Museum Istambul )
: Al-Mathur and Al-Rasub,

Do this model of particular hilt and straight blade still been made in 19th-20th century in Arabia ? ( sorry for my bad english )
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These swords which are housed in Topkapi sport 16th century Ottoman fittings, which replaced (unfortunately) their original hilts and scabbards. They are not Arab in from.

However, cross guards with upward facing quillons with snake/serpent heads seem to have appeared in the 12th Mamluk sphere of influence in the levant, and disappeared by the 16th century with the evolution of the swords of the region into sabers (early Turkish sabers)

EDIT: However the blades are original 7th century blades, wootz as well, most probably made in India and imported into the Arabian Peninsula

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