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Old 11th June 2017, 07:46 AM   #26
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Dear Alexis, [or is it Alex/Alexish?]

I enclose close-up of the Moro Kris Blade, as well as a picture of the original sheath.
Thanks! Pics of the other 3 would certainly be of interest, too!

That's a genuine Moro kris, probably from around the turn of 19th/20th century or a tad earlier. The sogokan may be a bit stiff but otherwise is looks like a really decent example of approx. average quality - I'd love to see the laminations upon re-etching!

Is the Kris Maranao, Maguidanao or Tausug?
I'm inclined to believe that this is a Sulu blade; OTOH, this style is usually associated with Maranao origin and this would be one of the latest examples of this type I remember seeing from Sulu. The scabbard is from Mindanao though...

One last comment: The original fittings of this kris from post #21 seem pretty much intact. I'm sure with a little TLC they will look orders of magnitude more appropriate than any modern dress! And IMHO more beautiful (despite average materials and craftsmanship)!

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