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Old 11th June 2017, 02:34 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by F. de Luzon
But allow me to clarify what I meant by my statement that what were shown are "authentic Moro pieces." The present artisans of Tugaya are descended, by family and tradition, from the artisans who made what are now genuine collectible Moro antiques. The items shown on post #9 are therefore made in the traditional center of Maranao crafts by Moro (Maranao) artisans. That was what I meant by "authentic Moro."
Just to be clear gentlemen, the work that is on display in Alexish's post #9 is described as "original Moro handles and sheaths that inspired my new Sarungs". I agree that this is probably modern Moro work. The work that we see in the original post however, the new pieces that Alexish commissioned used these modern Moro pieces as models for his new sheaths and hilts. To my eye these pieces look like cartoons of the original modern Moro work that was used to produce these new sheaths and hilts. I do not believe that these originally posted pieces were carved by Moro craftsman. This looks like more work out of the same area of Indonesia that produced Alexish's keris dress that he posted in the keris forum.
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