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Old 10th June 2017, 11:58 PM   #16
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Fernando,

they are examples of what are currently the highest quality products from the town of Tugaya in Lanao del Sur, Mindanao. Tugaya is the traditional home of the best Maranao craftsmen so your examples (post #9) are authentic Moro pieces.
I beg to differ: While there certainly is still quite a bit of talent in Tugaya, I believe there has been a general shift from genuine, traditional Moro design to modern, artistic designs during the last, say, 50 years or so. Often enough the ukkil/okir and other motifs appear to be corrupted and, especially, the flow of lines is off. Moreover, in the 50 years before this, we saw a strong decline in Moro craftsmanship (and general decline of economy as well as effects of US/Japanese/Filipino influence throughout Bangsamoro).

I believe most modern pieces are a far cry compared to antique pieces, especially those from well into the 19th century and before...

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