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Old 10th June 2017, 10:57 PM   #14
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Additionally, I also attach pictures of the original designs that inspired the sarung for the Pseudo-Moro Khukri. Are these authentic traditional Moro designs and motifs, or a more recent artistic expression?
Actually, this hilt is the only modern version with reasonable craftmanship shown (while he also offers the gaudy modern examples, this seller seems to have contacts to artisans who are able to do decent work) and based on a traditional style; however, if one compares this modern example with antique pieces, there is a considerable difference in quality as well as in details like ukkil!

The MOP scabbard tip is a later development (approx. mid-20th century) and again this rather gaudy motif got changed by the Indo carvers and now looks even more flowery and the MOP also got dropped...

While the fittings of this pseudo Khukuri are IMHO the best effort, it is blatantly obvious, that these are not genuine Moro style, especially nothing remotely approaching traditional styles, sorry.

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