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Old 8th June 2017, 08:14 AM   #19
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

David, re your post #16.

Nope, I got everything that Alexis wrote, and I understand what he is saying.

What I wrote was this:-

"-- but exactly similar forms can be found in markets in Indonesia. ---"

"similar" does not mean "the same"

The style, execution, material everything except minor motif variation is the same as can be found in multitudes of these ornamental dress forms. They proliferate in souvenir shops and are very well known, and considering the detail in the carving not at all expensive.

Everybody knows the famous (notorious?) Balinese "tourist" keris executed in ebony or fake ebony and often bearing very refined, skilfully executed carving. Well, when these died out in Bali, their place was taken by the type of thing that Alexis is showing us.

I'm not talking motif detail, I'm talking about the complete object.
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