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Old 8th June 2017, 01:31 AM   #12
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

I agree with David's comments, and will add a little more.

This keris blade is post 1980 production, overall style is East Javanese, workmanship is the Sumenep Madura school, but it may have been made somewhere else in East Jawa, technically, Madura is a part of East Jawa.

The wrongko and hilt are workmanship attributable to the Sumenep school, but probably obtained through Pasar Turi in Surabaya.

This is a completely modern keris that is absolutely in line with the approach that treats the keris as a vehicle for craft/art expression. Yes, the interpretation of the carving motifs of the dress could be taken as Scandinavian, but exactly similar forms can be found in markets in Indonesia. There is nothing traditional about this keris either as a societal indicator or in a talismanic sense.
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