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Old 8th June 2017, 01:12 AM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Oliver Pinchot
The numerals on the scabbard are a dating peculiar to Morocco.
They reflect a hijri date, but expressed in European digits:
133[0] 1330 = 1911/12
Thank you Oliver!
I am wondering, given this is a date system rather than a silver proof mark, perhaps this may have been a significant year/date, for the furbishing of this koummya.
Without going into a great deal of complexity, in 1911, there was a rebellion in Morocco against the Sultan Abdelhafid, apparently involving certain geopolitical conflicts involving France and Germany. Ultimately, the Sultan abdicated in 1912, also giving de facto control of Morocco to France.

This may be an item commemorating events in these events in 1911/12, I believe historically referred to as the Agadir Crisis.
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