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Old 7th June 2017, 06:53 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by alexish
Can someone comment on the Dhapur and locality of the blade. I know for sure that the blade is Javanese, because I bought it from a dealer in Java. But which part of Java is it likely from - Solo, Yogya, Cirebon? Also, what is the name of the Dhapur, and what mystical properties is the Dhapur associated with?
Well Alexish, this is a contemporary creation and frankly it includes some features i have not encountered on keris before. Dhapur is a designation of specific pakem that applies to specific kratons (palaces) from various kingdoms such as you have mentioned so given the artistic license of this particular piece i am not sure exactly what dhapur name would apply.
Buying a keris in Jawa is no guarantee that the blade was actually made in Jawa, though it is possible. There are also centers of modern keris production of these forms in parts of Madura as well that could possibly produce a blade like this. Someone here may be better at recognizing these modern works stylistically and have a more definite answer for you as to what area this one comes.
Mystical properties are more usually connected to pamor pattern than with dhapur, though that can figure in as well. From the photos you display your keris seems to be without pamor (kelengan) so i can't offer much information there. However, i will say that modern keris from these keris making centers in Jawa and Madura tend more towards the artistic presentation of keris, not the mystical/magicak form. The vast majority of modern keris makers are not empus who still know the secret rites and rituals necessary to make mystically empowered blades. Perhaps others will have a different opinion.
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