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Old 4th June 2017, 09:34 PM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Stelio.

YES!! Those are VERY nice Greek long guns. And appear in great condition.
My understanding is the only difference between the terms Kariofili and Rasak was depending on the Region of Greece you were standing in at the moment. Am I wrong ?

A question: Does the top gun actually have a BRASS lockplate ? Or is it brass covered ?

The Greeks did seem to prefer the traditional flintlock over the miquelet lock. And most I've seen do seem to confirm this. Although I have seen a few with the tradional Balkan style miquelet lock heavily favored on Albanian guns. The first Link posted by Kubur above shows a Greek long gun with a Bulgarian style miquelet lock (also Balkan made). Interesting. That's the only one I've seen using that lock pattern.

I still need one of these Greek long guns (and a pistol also) for my collection. They seem to evade me when they come up for sale.
But I'll eventually secure one.

Again, great looking guns Stelio.

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