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Old 4th June 2017, 10:14 AM   #7
MaharlikaTimawa's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by Ian
Hi Maharlika:

Welcome to the forum.

With regard to the ginunting that you show, it is really hard to assess its size because there is no scale for comparison. Also, the camera angle may be accentuating its apparent length.

In my experience, I have seen ginunting of 25-28 inches in length but I don't recall anything longer than that. I don't own an example that long, but I have handled such long versions.


Do you know of any books or sources that refer to 3 feet long swords used by the Visayans or the animists in Luzon? The only thing I could fine was Henry William Scotts "Barangay" which claimed that the Kampilan was a common sword used by the visayans.
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