Originally Posted by Philip
My experience in woodworking tells me that these are of minimal utility in the trade. Also I don't find any equivalents in any Far Eastern or SE Asian carpentry/cabinetry tradition that I'm aware of. I lean more towards agricultural usage. The markings don't look particularly Chinese to me. The surface finishing of Chinese export blades used on Moro barongs is a lot better than what you see here. The handles and ferrules on these are of a style quite common on a lot of "working knives" from various regions of SE Asia. Perhaps an identification of the wood that they are made of might tell more about their point of origin.
Salaams Philip, I agree, however, looking into the Chinese toolbox of Carpenters tools something similar is there...some with a single blade and heavy back edge others with two sharp edges. Not so worn as the subject items ...but similar.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.