Thread: Dao ?
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Old 1st June 2017, 05:43 PM   #4
thomas hauschild
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Germany
Posts: 140

Dear Philip

Yes I completly agree with you. All of this was my first impression too. I have bought this piece just because of the feeling of the balance of the blade. As a knifesmith my focus is on the blades. This one is thinner and more balanced as I have found on modern stockremoval blades with normaly heavy and constant thickness.

I often took part as a exibitor on the bladeshow in the Klingenmuseum Solingen. I was very happy to the possipility to take some swords of Peter Johnsson in my hand. His work is incredible and gives a good impression of how the balance of a blade should be. So I collect (hopefully) antique blades to study them and to learn for my own work. I´m happy just with the information that this piece is possibly an antique blade.

Best regards thomas
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