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Old 28th May 2017, 07:28 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default A pair of crudely forged knives for identification

I recently acquired these 2 crudely forged knives; even though they aren't very pretty, they remind me of a like forged aboriginal Taiwanese spearhead I once owned.The simple handles, with their iron, ferrules are are similar to examples of Burmese Dha handles that I have and as such could be from that area or they could be Chinese trade tools, sold for export.
The longest blade is 10.5" long x 2.75" wide, with a very thin blade(machete thick), and the other blade measures 9.5" long x 2" at it's widest with a thick spine of 1/4" at the spine.
The cutting edges are facing down.
Any help would be appreciated.
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