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Old 27th May 2017, 05:57 AM   #1
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Default Asian Civilisations Museum

I think Singapore is a country that is quickly becoming the “go to” country when it comes to Malay/Sumatran heritage resources. Their museums, particularly the Asian Civilisations Museum (which I haven’t visited unfortunately) houses numerous edged weapons collected with the said theme above. This in my opinion is the result of knowledge (and money) and most importantly passion of the people that are involved in building this collection. Kudos to those people. Not only the authorities, I can say even the collectors from that nation are mostly very well informed and very knowledgeable.

I am sorry if this is not news for you guys (it is for me), but below is a link to a website that shows the collections of some of the museums in Singapore. To see keris, you can select “Asian Civilisation Museum” and “Keris and Weaponry” from the pull down menu on the left side of the page. You can see that the collection is well documented and some has very interesting provenance. I just got to know that the naga keris keris below was actually collected in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Ok, enough of me ranting. Enjoy your visit below :
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Last edited by rasdan; 27th May 2017 at 01:40 PM.
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