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Old 23rd May 2017, 06:22 PM   #1
thomas hauschild
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Germany
Posts: 140
Default Dao from Naga of Assam ?

Hi everybody

It is my first thread as a new member so at first I like to introduce myself shortly. My name Thomas Hauschild from germany. I īm 52 years old working as a production manager and a semiprofessional knifemaker. I forge my blades, make my own damascus and I īm member of the german knifemakerguild. I īve started my collection with a first piece because of the strong wish to forge an own "parang" without the knowledge what a "parang" is or what it should looke like in that time. Luckily or not luckily ( luckily I īve got a good piece for my money, unluckily I became addicted to collect ;-)my first piece was real usable one. My focus for collection is not on special type or area were the pieces comes from. My focus is on well forged blades with a good balance, pieces that feels "right" in the hand. I will be here to learn, so any information will be welcome.( I will ad more information in the profile)

First thread is a dao / 2-hand sword from the people of Naga from Assam / India ? I have found only minor information without having the right keyword for google. 60 cm blade till the forged guard , totaly 83 cm. Full metal, one piece. Near the edges there are some pattern lines visible. Maybe a raffinated steel/iron. One edge shows some darker areas maybe there is a steel core visible ( san mai ). This is all I know about this well forged piece. I can īt realy imagine how many work it was to create such a piece. I hope to get some more information. ( hope to made everything right with the pics)

Best thomas
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