Thread: Keris List # 73
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Old 21st May 2017, 11:25 PM   #1
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965
Default Keris List # 73

Keris List # 73 from Tosanaji has just been published and is now available for viewing here:-


My previous Keris List was published in November last year, and was very favourably received, so well received that more than a few people were disappointed because what they wanted to order was already sold by the time they placed their order.

This current List is only a small one, personal commitments have prevented me from producing a listing with more items in it.

In this List more than half the keris presented have been taken from my personal collection, and there are more than a few old keris in this offering, in fact, some keris are very old.

This is not a large Keris List, but there are some quite good keris included, I hope you have time to visit and that you will enjoy looking.

Alan Maisey[URL=]][/URL][URL=]LINK[/URL][URL=]LIST[/URL]

Last edited by David; 24th May 2017 at 02:24 PM.
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