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Old 16th May 2017, 04:09 PM   #7
Vikingsword Staff
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Hi Yvain:

My first thought on seeing your short sword was a Nipponized adaptation of a western style sword or bayonet, in much the same way that the Marachausseesabel was adapted by the Japanese in Indonesia during WWII to produce the heiho knife.

However, the blade is not one that is obviously KNIL--neither the Dutch klewang nor kapmes (bayonet) would fit. Your blade is unusual in that the fuller is only on one side. Also, the hilt seems unusually long, at least for a western style bayonet or sword.

Japanese occupation of China, Manchuria, Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. before and during WWII, with adaptation of a local military weapon, seem possible sources. For the reasons noted above, I don't think this one is of Dutch origin.

Look forward to hearing what others have to say.

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