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Old 7th March 2006, 04:49 PM   #19
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Virginia
Posts: 520

Originally Posted by Dajak
Hi it is a peduang from sumatra that has enter the Netherlands in 1850
the papers was hidden in a bag made from cloth that was
put inside the handprotector

the story about this sword is that it was used bij a high placed men that was very close to the sultan off Atjeh between 1650 and 1700
Dajak that is a wonderful example of a peudeueng peusangan with a hulu meu apet. I have never seen a better one and only 2 as nice. I know of 2 of these for sale now ( at least they were available the other week ) but both are priced beyond a firefighters salary. One that is also a royal sword is listed as Indian and I cannnot convince the seller otherwise. Congratulations and thanks for sharing. May I use a picture of it and the talisman in the article on these swords you saw referenced.

Raja Muda,Alam Shah and John I did not know that there were talismans in these swords ( Tangkal, azimat or zimat). Are these similar to anting in Philippine swords ? If you have any other information please let me know to add it to the article. Thanks in advance

Ariel and Andrew thanks for the kind words on the article. But in truth it is mostly information pulled together from members here. With a little thrown in from other texts. So Ariel you and the others here really deserve more credit for it than I do. I will try to have it updated with this information before I go to Timonium
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