Originally Posted by mariusgmioc
If I, who know almost nothing about kerises (as I handled about 10 kerises in my whole life, out of which 7 are in my collection) could immediately spot a fake, then I would expect your "honest" dealer friend can do it even better.
To me, even atempted cheating is cheating!
And I felt cheated by your friend's repeted stories. But, no, I forgot, they are not even your friend's stories, but the original seller'stories. Your friend, has nothing to say as of course he knows nothing (or almost nothing) about kerises... right?! So, if your dealer friend knows so little about kerises, like any "honest" dealer, the best he can do is to present the story that supposedly came with the keris and let the "caveat emptor" rule... 
wow, and may you elaborate on when or where do we attempt cheating on you specifically ?
do I mention the blade is up for sale somewhere ?
I choose to post something because I think there is a lesson to be learned, or to prove myself wrong ... by knowledge, of course
in this point, I read Alan's blog, and see the ancient relief on ancient temple about keris, of which shared some similarities with the example above.
Marius, I believed that it is never wise to point your finger to someone based on prejudice. My friend made a living selling keris, I never said he's an expert at keris. He only made judgement based on what he sees or believed correct. As I said he hunted keris from remote villages and sometimes he got it right, sometimes he got it wrong ... you should be able to pull the string here that he's not Bambang Harsrinuksmo
lasty, how does if feel if someone who barely knows you accusing you of cheating, Marius ? because I got the impression of saint-like personality from you ... perhaps you never cheat in your life