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Old 19th April 2017, 06:12 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Richard G
The engraving to the scabbard would indicate (to me) that this sword belonged to the regiment rather than an individual officer. This would encompass NCO 'S and band swords. I also believe the 18 Hussars were disbanded between 1821 and 1860.
Are you sure the grip is ivory?

Very good suggestion Richard, and I had not thought of the fact that swords to these regimental components would be effectively 'issue' items but not necessarily to specific individuals as often the case with troopers arms.
It seems that 'band' swords however typically had full brass scabbards, and as mentioned were usually with cast hilts. I am not sure however what case might be for a ranking official in the band.
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