Thread: Unknown dapur
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Old 18th April 2017, 08:19 PM   #5
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I was going to comment on the hilt. It is certainly a nicer carving than the standard. Looks like good wood, deep cuts and pierced through.
However, the hilt is no real statement on the quality or value of the blade itself as we all know how interchangeable keris parts can be.
You say that it fits well in the sheath. By that do you mean to imply that it seems the sheath was actually made for the blade or that it is just well adapted? Can we see a photo from above showing the fit.
This does indeed seem to be an older blade, but my suspicion is that the naga may have been added later in its life. It's hard to tell these things for certain and a hands on inspection is always preferable so i couldn't say for sure. It is certainly not your standard design for a Javanese naga though.
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