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Old 17th April 2017, 07:39 AM   #3
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Default Maybe Cavalry afterall

Hi, you may be onto something with the reference to cavalry not infantry!

I have now found a reference to this sword but with a leather scabbard and fish-skin grip in "The British Cavalry Sword from 1600 by Charles Martyn". The most recent example I have found, again in my database is described as a British lion's head household Windsor castle cavalry dress sword ca 1820, Martyn describes the same sword as Household Cavalry Band Sword. Looks like we are looking a a version of Cavalry Band sword, all I need now is a link to the 18th Regiment somewhere.

The main difference between my sword and the one featured in Martyn's book is the decorated cavalry grip and all brass scabbard. Oh and the engraving marked to the 18th Regiment.

Cheers Cathey and Rex.
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