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Old 14th April 2017, 10:31 AM   #26
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Default Klewang from Tjicatjing

This is a klewang with a European-style grip and a clamshell langet on the front of the cross guard. A klewang blade is somewhat unusual to find from this era c. 1910. The hilt is made of antler with brass pommel and finishings and is 6 inches in length (excluding clamshell). The s-shaped guard, also brass, is 4 ¾ inches wide with rounded "acorn" finials. The blade measures 21 ¼ inches in length along the bottom, 19 ½ inches along the top. Typical of klewangs, the blade broadens from 1 ⅜ inches wide at the base to 2 inches at the tip. The thickness has a slight distal taper from ¼ inch at the base to ⅜ inch at tip, measured along the top of the blade. A large fuller with okir-style engraving is found on both sides of the blade, each measuring 13 inches. The name of the hamlet where this sword was created is enscribed on one side of the blade, "Tjicatjing" along with the year, 1910.

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