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Old 14th April 2017, 10:04 AM   #23
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Posts: 415
Default Golok from the village of Tjikeroeh

Here is a golok from the village of Tjikeroeh in Java, Indonesia, c. late 19th - early 20th century. The overall length is 20 ½ inches. The blade length is 15 inches. The edge is recurved in shape, with a "fat belly" at the point of maximum percussion. A single large fuller is found on both sides of the blade along the spine. The fuller is decorated in an okir pattern typical of swords from Tjikeroeh and neighboring villages. The back side of the blade is slightly concave in shape with a width of ¼ inch tapering distally to the point. The blade edge smoothly curves upward to the point and the back slopes down in nearly a straight line to the point. The hilt is carved hardwood in a typical design that is representative of a parrot. There are glue indications of a relatively recent repair to the hilt. The scabbard wood is slightly different indicating that it is a replacement for the original (if any).

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