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Old 8th April 2017, 03:17 PM   #4
EAAF Staff
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Talking The Internet can be amazing...

So, off I went searching for 'Couronian sword' and I found a picture of this very hilt featured on the Hurstwic site; following that clue and having to rely on Google's cache of an old SFI thread from 2008, there is someone looking for information on this sword. I am assuming that Arthur Thomson from Riga, Latvia is the author of the paper above and he was looking for more information on the sword being considered here. He remarked 'To my mind it seems that it can be of Eastern Baltic origin and can be dated approximately to 11.-12. centuries. I am writing an article about Couronian swords and any info could be useful!'

Further searching yielded another paper from 2012 -
Artūrs Tomsons: Symbolism of medieval swords from the territory of Latvia during the 11th–13th centuries available here!
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