Thread: Sultan Gunong
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Old 5th April 2017, 11:50 PM   #1
EAAF Staff
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Default Sultan Gunong

Greetings folks,

Here is what I think is a Marano sultan's gunong. The hilt is made of ivory and gilded copper and silver filigree.

Cross guard is heavy, made of one plate of thick solid minimally chased silver next to a thick solid plate of copper. On top of the copper is a thin sheet of chased gold.

The scabbard has a wooden core encased by copper. Over most of the copper are sheets of chased gold (top and bottom sections). In the middle is a section of chased sheet swassa. Just 2 top and bottom sections of gilded repousse copper.

At the end of the scabbard is a solid plate of silver.

Finally, there is a belt loop of silver with filigree gold plate.

Regarding the blade, though not laminated, it has waves that are not pointed, which indicates to me that this is not a recent creation (there is also patina on the ivory).

I would place this around the end of the 1920s. The size and materials would indicate to me that this is not just datu but sultan class. All of the okir chasing is of Marano style.

This was one of two I know of and was sold to me by a friend who has the twin to this. I have never seen a genuine sultan's example, until now.

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