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Old 4th April 2017, 12:11 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Andreas
... As a veteran of several battles, in which he served with distinction, he must have known a thing or two about them…
Yes, Andreas, i should/could have said these sords but, in the context, i took it that my expression would be considered accordingly; i appologize for such flaw .
I realize that Socrates, not being a military by career, but appointed General for the Peloponese wars, due to his ascendence abilities, would have had serious engagements with his high end κοπίς , and has even realized that, the evolution of such Kopis woud turn into the Iberian falcata but, would have hardly envisaged the characteristics of the Iberian rapiers, that appeared two thousand years afterwards.
In any case, and for the record, i will edit my previous post, so that pointed contingencies don't prevail .
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