Thread: Yemeni sword
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Old 2nd April 2017, 06:23 PM   #18
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Very good observation made by Motan, and we have discussed many times through the years the significance of architectural form and elements in the styling of the hilts of edged weapons. I recall Ibrahiim several years ago in studying the Omani sayf and kitara hilts observing the similarity in the pommels to minarets.

In considering the apparent preponderance of these distinctly 'cuffed' hilt sayfs in Yemen, and well supported as such by Michael Blalock in many years of research, collecting and observation, I would note the case for Yemeni Mosques with regard to the pommels of these swords.

In "Minaret Building and Apprenticeship in Yemen" (Trevor Marchand, 2013, p.189) ....two prevalent types of domes to cap traditional San'aa minarets, a smooth surfaced dome which may be SPHERICAL, or slightly bulbous like those of the city's Great Mosque (built 9th c AD, restored 13th c) or fluted like that of Masjid al Abhar (1374-75AD) or al Madrasah Mosque (built first half 16th c).

It seems that years ago we were reviewing silver clad swords with these kinds of pommels, mounted in San'aa with clearly Ethiopian blades, which apparently had come in through ports from Red Sea trade. It was held that the rhino horn from these swords was highly sought for khanjhars' hilts.

I would note that in those researches studying Arab swords from Hadhramaut, it was notable seeing the gadrooned decoration on the scabbards of silver repousse hilts and mounts. This style curiously is also seen on a number of swords from Bukhara 19th c. It would seem this same
affectation extended from Hadhramaut to Yemen of course, and perhaps the diplomatic and trade contacts between the Emirate of Bukhara and Yemen might account for this cross influence.

Returning to the hilt features, it seems the minaret domes described have somewhat compelling similarity to the pommels on these distinctive swords.
The ribbed (or fluted) style does not seem exclusively Bukharen, but it is of course noted that contact between Yemen and Bukhara may reflect the degree of influence considered, and apparently quite present in Yemen independently.
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