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Old 30th March 2017, 06:26 AM   #2
Vikingsword Staff
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I must amend my comment about this sword being the only one I have seen with this tip style. Here is a link to another one, albeit a little different and somewhat larger, on Gavin Nugent's site among his "Sold Items."
"A good rare 19th century fighting sword from Burma.

This very heavy sword or Dha measures 82cms long overall.
The blade measures 60cms long with a 1.5cm thick spine.
The hilt is a timber core, likely being bamboo. To each end of the hilt are thick tapering iron end caps and a ray skin covered grip.
The gently curving blade is of an unusual form and very thick and heavy. The tip is of the type typically seen on the Mead and Nep knives of the regions. The spine has a central raised medial ridge running the entire length of the blade, right through to the very tip of the cutting edge.

A very good fighting sword of a very rare form."

P.S. Here is a pic from that site showing the similar sword.


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Last edited by Ian; 30th March 2017 at 10:30 PM. Reason: Added picture and quote from original site
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